
Paul the Missionary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Louis Berkhof calls Paul “a greater reformer with broader view and wider sympathies than Luther,” “a thinker more acute than Calvin,” and “an earnest lover of souls surpassing Whitefield.” A large portion of the New Testament contains his writings and is devoted to telling the story of his life and influence. In his series of addresses to a missions society in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1915—here...

and self-satisfied striving after honor with God and man. He felt that what he considered the path of sacred duty did not lead him in the way of salvation, and that the occasional promtings of his conscience were but the voice of God, speaking deep down in his beart. In that light Paul found himself undone, and the question rose to his lips: “Lord, what wilt Thou have me do?” He is now ready to renounce himself and to take upon him the cross of Christ, to follow no more the inclination of his own
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